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2nd - 4th November, 2023


Day I - 2nd November 2023

  • 1.
    1. The Knowledge of God – The Foundation of our Communion: This session will introduce the theme of communion with God and lay a foundation for the rest of the series. The session will emphasize the importance of this theme for the Christian life.Ronald Kalifungwa
  • 2.
    2. Union with Christ: This session will explore the doctrine of union with Christ and how it impacts our communion with God. As John Newton wrote in a letter to an inquirer, “Communion with God presupposes union with God. By nature we are strangers, yes, enemies to God; but we are reconciled, brought near, and become his children, by faith in Christ Jesus. We can have no true knowledge of God, desire towards him, access unto him, or gracious communications from him, but in and through the Son of his love.”Murungi Igweta
  • 3.
    3. The Goal of the Gospel: This session expounds 1 John 1:1-3 to show that the goal of proclaiming Christ in the Gospel is communion with Him and the Father.Joe Jacowitz
  • 4.
    4. The Love of the Father and our Communion as His Children: This session will expound 1 John 3:1-3 to show the marvelous love of God the Father revealed in the adoption of sinners for the goal of communing with them.Ronald Kalifungwa

Day II - 3rd November 2023

  • 1.
    1. How We Commune with God–Corporate Worship: This session will explore the role of worship in our communion with God. The session will cover topics such as the purpose of worship, the importance of corporate worship, and the various elements of worship.Ronald Kalifungwa
  • 2.
    2. How We Commune with God–The Word of God: This session will explore the role of Scripture in our communion with God. The session will cover topics such as the importance of studying the Bible, the role of the Holy Spirit in illuminating the Scriptures, and the need for obedience to the Word.Murungi Igweta
  • 3.
    3. How We Commune with God–Prayer: This session will explore the role of prayer in our communion with God. The session will cover topics such as the purpose of prayer, the importance of perseverance in prayer, and the privilege of approaching God in prayer.Joe Jacowitz
  • 4.
    4. How We Commune with God–The Ordinances: This session will explore the role of the sacraments (baptism and the Lord's Supper) in our communion with God. The session will cover topics such as the meaning and significance of the sacraments, their role in the church, and their relationship to our salvation.Murungi Igweta

Day III - 4th November 2023

  • 1.
    1. The Indwelling Holy Spirit and Mortification of Sin: This session will explore the work of the Holy Spirit in believers with a particular focus on the mortification of remaining sin and how this impacts our communion with God.Ronald Kalifungwa
  • 2.
    2. The Communion of the Saints: This session will explore (through chapter 27 of the 1689 LBCF) the communion believers have one with another as a result of their vertical communion with the Triune God. The session will cover topics such as the importance of fellowship in the church, the nature of Christian community, and the need for accountability.Murungi Igweta
  • 3.
    3. Persevering in Communion with God: This session will explore the challenges and obstacles that can hinder our communion with God, as well as the importance of persevering in this communion. The session will cover topics such as the role of suffering, spiritual desertion (Psalm 42), and the hope of glory that awaits us.Ronald Kalifungwa
  • 4.
    4. Questions and Answers: In this session, all attendees can ask questions bordering on topics discussed from the on-set of the conference.Q & A Panel


Theology Sessions
  1. 1. The Heresy of Modalism | Austin Huggins
  2. 2. The Subtle and Dangerous Error of Hyper Grace Teaching |Austin Huggins
  3. 3. Strange Fire | Austin Huggins
Family Sessions (for ladies)
  1. 1. An Excellent Wife (Prov. 31:10-31) | Mrs Kalifungwa
  2. 2. Biblical Submission | Mrs Kalifungwa
  3. 3. The Role of Women in the Church | Mrs Kalifungwa